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作者: 时间:2020-09-17 17:46 阅读数:


  Only the correct installation of the button switch can ensure its normal operation, so what are the precautions in the process of button switch installation?


  1.按钮安装在面板上时,应布置整齐,排列合理,如根据电动机启动的先后次序,从上到下或从左到右排列布置。相邻按钮间距为50~ 100mm。

  1. When the buttons are installed on the panel, they should be arranged orderly and arranged reasonably. For example, according to the sequence of motor starting, they should be arranged from top to bottom or from left to right. The distance between adjacent buttons is 50 ~ 100 mm.


  2. For several different working states of the same equipment component (as above, below, front and rear, left, right, loose, tight, etc.), each pair of buttons in opposite state shall be installed in a group. Apply red button to stop, green or black to start or power on. Don't make a mistake.


  3. In order to deal with emergency, when there are many buttons on the panel, the main stop button should be installed in a conspicuous and easy to operate place. It is better to use red mushroom head button or make obvious marks.


  4. Due to the small distance between the contacts of the button, if there is oil pollution, it is easy to cause short circuit fault, so the contact should be kept clean.


  5. The button board and button box for installing buttons must be metal, and try to connect them with the general grounding bus of the machine tool. For hanging buttons, special grounding wire must be set, and metal tube is not allowed to be used as ground wire.


  6. When the button is used in high temperature situation, it is easy to make the plastic deformation and aging, resulting in loosening, causing the short circuit between the connecting screws. An insulating plastic pipe can be added at the connection screw to prevent short circuit.


  7. The button with indicator light is easy to deform the plastic lampshade due to the bulb heating, so the bulb voltage should be reduced to prolong the service life.


  8. "Stop" button must be red; "emergency stop" button must be red mushroom head type; "start" button must be equipped with protective ring, which should be higher than the button head, so as to prevent accidental touch and misoperation of electrical equipment。